Comments on: BF Auction: 1958 Lincoln Continental Mark III Unrestored Classic And Muscle Cars For Sale Wed, 29 Nov 2023 04:14:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dinty Wed, 29 Nov 2023 03:04:40 +0000 In reply to Angel Cadillac Diva.

The Lincoln was ugly but a real head turner, just like my girlfriend. Nobody ever turned down a ride or double date in that black Linkin! Diva you are correct of course, Caddi’s are pure silk. My dad sold the Lincoln in ‘66 and not a used Devilke and drove it 259k after adding his own fuel injection kit.

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By: Dinty Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:57:52 +0000 In reply to geezerglide 85.

Boys, boys, Hold on a second here. Did you ever drive a ‘58 Lincoln? I did! In 1965, my dad bought one just like this from our neighbor Mac for $800. Dad sold his ‘59 dodge Royal (black beauty) since the rust had started. One trip was Kalamazoo to Marquette (450 miles) at night doing 80+ mph on 2 lane roads in the moonlight. The car just rolled out the road and rode smooth all the way. I could lay down in the back seat with my girlfriend and listen to WLS rockin in. The antenna went up/down with a motor. 7 motorized widows. Electric everything. 30 cent gas and 8 mpg. Read drive and 4800 lbs means a great car in snow. Life was good.

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By: Tony C Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:40:40 +0000 In reply to William Maceri.

There’s a story that some states had issues with the size of these cars, threatening to mandate truck lights on them. Lincoln wanted to outdo Cadillac in every way; and they did just that, except in sales. But the recession that hit the country at the same time caused pain for most of the industry, so it wasn’t a Lincoln-exclusive problem.

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By: Tony C Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:34:57 +0000 In reply to CCFisher.

What they did still wasn’t enough. In addition to their inexperience with large unibody construction, the welding machinery at Wixom apparently was not functioning properly, forcing dealers to rent out welding equipment all over the country to try and repair the structures as best they could.

They did, however, learn a lot of lessons in how to sturdy up a large unibody to a reliable level; the ’60s models were testament to that.

I know someone may ask this: Why did they do unibody for these cars? Because many knowledgeable engineers in the automotive industry back then believed unibody construction was the way of the future (go figure 🙄!). Engineers at Ford wanted to get the jump on the rest of the industry, which was why they built the Wixom plant. They had already committed to making the Thunderbird a unibody car, but those alone were not enough to recapture the cost of the plant. They needed another car to build, one that could keep Wixom busy but didn’t necessarily have too large a demand in order to keep construction in control. The Lincoln qualified.

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By: Tony C Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:23:44 +0000 In reply to Greg Plummer.

If it was a ’58 or ’59, the problem was intrinsic to the rear-suspension design. The coil-spring design they adopted, to offer an air-suspension option to compete with Cadillac’s offering (which was troublesome in itself), tended to twist and give disconcerting feelings of instability, forcing them to ditch that setup by ’60 in favor of more-stable leaf springs.

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By: Tony C Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:18:46 +0000 In reply to Fred.

Aw, c’mon, Edsels are conservative-looking compared to these cars. But I still like seeing examples of both, at least in a nostalgic perspective.

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By: Tony C Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:16:23 +0000 In reply to Jeff.

You aren’t alone. The design is enough to make Edsels look conservative. It was so bizarre that many just couldn’t abide it; it didn’t help matters, either, that a recession suddenly hit the country when these cars hit the showrooms. One designer who worked for Ford back then (but wasn’t involved with these cars) said he attended a meeting where the spokesman said, regarding the first several thousand Lincolns built that year, they should have been pushed into the Rouge River…a bit extreme in my opinion, but it showed that Ford was quickly embarrassed by this design. The Imperials and higher-trim Chryslers did look better, but they had their share of problems as well–namely, rusting with a vengeance. Really the only thing to say about these Lincolns is that they outdid Cadillac in everything except sales.

Ironically, the same men responsible for this series also designed the revolutionary ’61 Lincolns.

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By: Tony C Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:06:26 +0000 In reply to Sam61.

Probably a ’59, because what you described was either a Limousine or Town Car variant, both of which were offered only in ’59 and ’60. I dare say they were the largest unibody cars ever, bar none.

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By: Tony C Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:02:09 +0000 I suppose the lack of A/C is the reason this car weighs in at a relatively measly 4,888 lbs.; most A/C-fitted cars go over 5,000. Still, it’s surprising that an example of the largest unibody car ever built is so relatively light. This car is nicer than many others I’ve seen, save for one white example I saw in central Texas 20 years ago. These cars unfortunately had issues with their construction, which apparently was revealed back then. A designer who worked for Ford then said the then-new welding machinery in the Wixom plant didn’t work properly, which left dealers to deal with repairing the welds, causing a shortage of rental equipment across the country. As if the structure wasn’t enough trouble, the rear suspension caused problems also, forcing Lincoln to ditch the coil/balloon design and revert to leaf springs by ’60 (and ditch the air-suspension option after ’59). That said, I still have an interest in seeing these cars. I hope this one gets to a good home.

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By: C Force Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:44:55 +0000 Not exactly the best looking car in 1958,i would agree with others here,Chrysler had some of the best looking cars in 58′ and just as powerful.One of this car’s best features is that 430 cubic inches under the hood…

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By: Chris Cornetto Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:28:07 +0000 I had a 60 convertible and a 59 convertible. Like a dum dum, I was talked into selling the 59. Rust free unlike the 60 that was showing its age. I knew I was in trouble when I replaced the brake lines. Long story short one day while bebopping around the car was making banging noises. Like the Titanic, the ship was breaking, yup, the body sagged and the doors would no longer open and the top,”which I had working quite well” no longer would screw to the windshield header. I switched to a 60 Caddy convertible which I still have. All that remains of my Lincoln is it top boot and wheel covers. I still have a soft spot and actually would prefer a 4 door if I ever decided to get another.

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By: William Maceri Tue, 28 Nov 2023 22:56:14 +0000 These Lincolns are the best examples of the late 50s excess everything. These Lincolns have it all, size and styling , and luxury. It’s easy to see Ford through every over the top excessive styling cues of the era. These Lincolns show up in late 50s movies and TV, they had such a presence, that makes them very photogenic. I was just 3 years old in 1958. But I remember seeing them on the streets of Los Angeles. They were very popular with the Hollywood celebrities and you can see why. I always ask myself how did the automotive stylists come up with such interesting designs like the canted headlights and sculptured body lines. It’s safe to say this kind of styling wasn’t for everyone, but I like it. Chrysler used the canted headlights on the 6262, I mean to say the 61and 62 full-size Chryslers. It’s an interesting design in any event. It’s also safe to say we will never see this kind of creative styling ever again. So in their own ways they are a major part of automotive styling history. The late 50s American cars capture the industry capabilities available for the first time and it s a icon of the times. They made cars like this because they could. Lincolns have always been known for their progressive designs and that’s what an American luxury car should be. I love cars and our Lincolns are one of the many reasons that I do. 50 years from now there won’t be any cars for us to be fascinated by. No one will be fascinated by the boring used bar of soap in different shades of grey and black plastic cars we have today. I for one is sick of seeing nothing but SUVs everywhere I look. No one could have ever seen this is what was going to happen to those beautiful works of art that was once the automotive standard. That’s so sad.

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By: Fred Tue, 28 Nov 2023 22:14:38 +0000 In reply to geezerglide 85.

Well it was1958 the year of the Edsel pandemic out break 😂

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By: sixone Tue, 28 Nov 2023 20:48:50 +0000 If by “garage-kept car” he means “left outdoors for years” I’ll definitely agree with him there.

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By: johnmloghry Tue, 28 Nov 2023 18:46:33 +0000 I was 11 years old in 1958 and a woman in our rural northern California area drove a car like this only in pale yellow. She never allowed her kids to ride the school bus so I’d always see that big Lincoln at the school for drop off and pick up. For the most part the men in our area were construction workers and never drove new cars or at least not Lincoln or Cadillac models, so her car stood out like a sore thumb. If you’ve ever watched the tv show Perry Mason you probably notice Paul Drake driving a convertible 1958 Lincoln at one point.

God Bless America

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By: Azzura Tue, 28 Nov 2023 18:17:38 +0000 Geez, guess the seller is certainly not looking for top dollar, considering he couldn’t be bothered with cleaning it up even a little bit. Looks like this car has been sitting a long time. The window sticker shows that it has only been driven about 5K miles in the last 46 years. And those modern additions he added: the scented tree and the bungee cord battery tie down. Tells me a lot about the maintenance this car has had.

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By: George Tue, 28 Nov 2023 17:44:14 +0000 In reply to CCFisher.

agree on all, but in this day of “lose me in the parking lot” styling on silver and beige cars, I find something admirable about this car’s excesses

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